


In order to reach as many souls as possible with the truth of God's Word, the Pleasant Plains Church of Christ posts our sermons here on our website for easy and quick access by any individual that might be visiting our website.  Please feel free to use any of our material to better the Kingdom of God.  Audio, outlines, and slides are available for your convenience.  

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/04/12 3 B's To Combat Sin Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_3_B's_to_Combat_Sin_3412AM.mp3 3_Be's_to_Combat_Sin_Outline.pdf 3_Be's_to_Combat_Sin.ppsx
03/04/12 Institutionalism: Usage of Collections Adam Pogue Institutionalism Sun PM Institutionalism_-_02_Usage_of_Collections.ppsx Institutionalism_-_02_-_Usage_of_Collections_Outline.pdf A._Pogue_Institutionalism_Usage_of_Collections_3412PM.mp3
02/26/12 Things Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_Things_Morally_Right,_But_Religiously_Worng_22612AM.mp3 Things_Morally_Right,_But_Religiously_Wrong_Outline.pdf Things_Morally_Right_But_Religiously_Wrong.ppsx
02/26/12 Institutionalism: What is it Adam Pogue Institutionalism Sun PM A._Pogue_Institutionalism_What_is_it_22612PM.mp3 Institutionalism_-_01_-_What_Is_It_Outline.pdf Institutionalism_-_01_What_Is_It.ppsx
02/19/12 When Do You Wear his Name? Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM When_Do_You_Wear_His_Name_-_Outline.pdf When_Do_You_Wear_His_Name.ppsx A._Pogue_When_Do_You_Wear_His_Name_21911AM.mp3
02/19/12 Lessons From Abraham Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM Lessons_From_Abraham_Outline.pdf Lessons_From_Abraham.ppsx A._Pogue_Lessons_From_Abraham_21912PM.mp3
02/12/12 Not By Bread Alone Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Not_By_Bread_Alone.ppsx A._Pogue_Not_By_Bread_Alone_21212AM.mp3
01/29/12 Christ's Blood - For Us or For All? Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Christ's_Blood_-_For_Us_or_For_All_Outline.pdf Christ's_Blood_-_For_Us_or_For_All.ppsx A._Pogue_Christ's_Blood_-_For_Us_or_For_All_12912AM.mp3
01/22/12 Your Labor is Not In Vain Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Your_Labor_Is_Not_In_Vain.pptx A._Pogue_Your_Labor_Is_Not_In_Vain_12212AM.mp3
01/22/12 A Christian's Mark Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A_Christian’s_Mark.pptx A._Pogue_A_Christian's_Mark_12212PM.mp3
01/15/12 This World Is Not My Home Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM This_World_Is_Not_My_Home.pptx A._Pogue_This_World_Is_Not_My_Home_11512AM.mp3
01/15/12 Why Does God Allow Suffering? Adam Pogue N/A Sun PM Why_Does_God_Allow_Suffering.pptx A._Pogue_Why_Does_God_Allow_Suffering_11512PM.mp3
01/08/12 Jesus' View of the Soul Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_Jesus'_View_of_the_Soul_1811AM.mp3 Jesus'_View_of_the_Soul.pptx
01/08/12 The Importance of Your Soul Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A._Pogue_The_Importance_of_Your_Soul_1811PM.mp3 The_Importance_of_Your_Soul.pptx
01/01/12 God's View of Perfection Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM God’s_View_of_Perfection.pptx A._Pogue_God's_View_of_Perfection_1112AM.mp3
01/01/12 What's In A Name Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM What’s_In_A_Name.pptx A._Pogue_What's_In_A_Name_1112PM.mp3
12/25/11 Have You Grown Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Have_You_Grown_-_Broadview.pptx A._Pogue_Have_You_Grown_122511AM.mp3
12/18/11 The Gift of God Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM The_Gift_of_God.pptx A.Pogue_The_Gift_of_God_121811AM.mp3
12/11/11 The Rich Man and Lazarus Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_The_Rich_Man_And_Lazarus_121111AM.mp3 The_Rich_Man_and_Lazarus.pptx
12/11/11 Church Discipline Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM Church_Discipline.pptx A._Pogue_Church_Discipline_121111PM.mp3

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