


In order to reach as many souls as possible with the truth of God's Word, the Pleasant Plains Church of Christ posts our sermons here on our website for easy and quick access by any individual that might be visiting our website.  Please feel free to use any of our material to better the Kingdom of God.  Audio, outlines, and slides are available for your convenience.  

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/02/25 Romans 12: The Life of a Christian Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Romans12TheLifeOfAChristian.mp3
02/02/25 One Flesh Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM OneFlesh.mp3
01/28/25 Children are a Heritage from the LORD Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM ChildrenAreAHeritageFromTheLord.mp3
01/26/25 What Jesus Looked Like in Revelation Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM WhatJesusLookedLikeInRevelation.mp3
01/22/25 Priority Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Priority.mp3
01/19/25 Preaching in a City Full of Idols Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM PreachinginACityFullOfIdols.mp3
01/12/25 El Roi Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM ElRoi.mp3
01/12/25 Genesis 1-11 Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM Genesis_1-11.mp3
01/05/25 The Lord's Prayer Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM TheLordsPrayer.mp3
01/05/25 Lamentations Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Lamentations.mp3
12/28/24 Connecting Christ with James Ryan McDonald N/A Sunday AM RyansSermon.mp3
12/22/24 Humbled And Exalted Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM HumbledAndExalted.mp3
12/22/24 Hard Hearts Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM HardHearts.mp3
12/15/24 Psalm 119: A Celebration of God's Great Word Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Psalm119.mp3
12/15/24 Joel: A Call to True Repentance Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM JoelACallToTrueRepentance.mp3
12/08/24 Fasting Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Fasting2.mp3
12/08/24 God is Love Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday PM GodIsLove.mp3
12/01/24 Psalm 148: A Psalm of Praise Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM Psalm148.mp3
12/01/24 The Fear of God Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM TheFearOfGod.mp3
11/24/24 Why no Instruments? Jonathan Glaesemann N/A Sunday AM .mp3

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