


In order to reach as many souls as possible with the truth of God's Word, the Pleasant Plains Church of Christ posts our sermons here on our website for easy and quick access by any individual that might be visiting our website.  Please feel free to use any of our material to better the Kingdom of God.  Audio, outlines, and slides are available for your convenience.  

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/25/12 What's In A Name? Jeff Cisco (none) Sun AM What's_In_A_Name.pps J._Cisco_What's_In_a_Name_112512.mp3
11/18/12 The Election Is Over.....Now What? Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM The_Election_Is_Over..._Now_What.pps A._Pogue_The_Election_Is_Over...Now_What_111812AM.mp3
11/18/12 Do You Really Want Forgiveness? Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM Do_You_Really_Want_Forgiveness.pps A._Pogue_Do_You_Really_Want_Forgiveness_111812PM.mp3
11/11/12 In The World, But Not of the World Chuck Newton (none) Sun AM In_The_World_-_Not_Of_The_World.pps C._Newton_In_the_World,_But_Not_of_the_World_111112AM.mp3
11/04/12 The Deception of Tradition Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_The_Deception_of_Tradition_11412AM.mp3 The_Deception_of_Tradition.pps
11/04/12 Approaching The Throne Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A._Pogue_Approaching_The_Throne_11412PM.mp3 Approaching_The_Throne.pps
10/28/12 Spiritual Arithmetic Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Spiritual_Arithmetic.pps A._Pogue_Spiritual_Arithmetic_102812AM.mp3
10/21/12 How Can I Not Do That In The Future? Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM How_Can_I_Not_Do_That....pps A._Pogue_How_Can_I_Not_Do_That_In_The_Future_102112AM.mp3
10/21/12 Why Are There So Many Churches? Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM Why_Are_There_So_Many_Churches.pps A._Pogue_Why_are_there_so_many_Churches_122112PM.mp3
10/14/12 Will There Be A Rapture? Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Will_There_Be_A_Rapture.pps A._Pogue_Will_There_Be_A_Rapture_101412AM.mp3
10/14/12 Don't Forget To Remember Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A._Pogue_Don't_Forget_to_Remember_101412PM.mp3 Don't_Forget_To_Remember.pps
10/07/12 2nd Coming of Christ Part 1 Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_2nd_Coming_of_Christ_Part_1_10712AM.mp3 2nd_Coming_of_Christ.pps
10/07/12 2nd Coming of Christ Part 2 Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A._Pogue_2nd_Coming_of_Christ_Part_2_10712PM.mp3 2nd_Coming_of_Christ.pps
09/30/12 The Consistently Different Christ Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM The_Consistently_Different_Christ.pps A._Pogue_The_Consistently_Different_Christ_93012AM.mp3
09/23/12 The Antichrist Part 1 Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM 01_of_02_-_The_Antichrist.pps A._Pogue_The_Antichrist_Part_192312AM.mp3
09/23/12 The Antichrist Part 2 Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM 02_of_02_-_The_Antichrist.pps A._Pogue_The_Antichrist_Part_2_92312PM.mp3
09/09/12 Learning To Say: "I'm Sorry" Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Learning_to_Say_I'm_Sorry.pps A._Pogue_Learning_to_Say_I'm_Sorry_9912AM.mp3
09/02/12 Until That Day Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM Until_That_Day.pps A._Pogue_Until_Thay_Day_9212AM.mp3
09/02/12 3 Loves Of A Disciple Adam Pogue (none) Sun PM A._Pogue_3_Loves_of_a_Disciple_9212PM.mp3 3_Loves_Of_A_Disciple.pps
08/26/12 Lessons From A Pencil Adam Pogue (none) Sun AM A._Pogue_Lessons_From_A_Pencil_82612AM.mp3 Lessons_From_A_Pencil.pps

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