

The Not So Great Gideon

The story that unfolds in the book of Judges is one that certainly causes the reader much frustration based upon their continued cycle of rebellion. However, God's love, compassion, and patience are seen in Him continually sending deliverers in the form of judges to deliver Israel. The first four judges of the judges cycle are what you would think a deliverer of Israel would be like. Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, and the team of Deborah and Barak were strong, powerful, and able to get the job done. Therefore, we would expect for the fifth judge to follow in the same pattern, but instead we are introduced to Gideon...who simply wasn't all that great. However, there are great lessons that we can learn from Gideon as God uses Him to accomplish His will for His people. This lesson seeks to encourage us to remember that even though we are weak, we are useful to God if we will trust in Him and His power.