

Jesus Conquers! (WINWIR Revelation)

Series: 2019 Daily Bible Reading: NT Letters

For so many people, the book of the Revelation of Jesus to John causes anxiety, confusion, and possibly even intimidation. It is a work that looks very different from the majority of the Bible and especially the other works of the New Testament. It is written in a way that includes amazing language and paints incredible pictures. It is the source of much division among religious people concerning the way they interpret what is found within its pages. Because of all of this, some people simply throw their hands up and give up when it comes to their careful consideration of this final text within the Bible. This lesson seeks to simplify the text of Revelation by suggesting four keys that can help in our understanding. In no way will this lesson answer all of the questions that might come from the text, but it hopes to point the listener in the proper direction concerning how those questions can be answered and how the main theme can be understood.