

Excelling As Senior Saints

Series: 2019 Focus: Excelling Still More

There is a real temptation for us to treat our Christian lives like our work lives. We plan out how long we have to work in order to enjoy a retirement of a particular length. We work really hard for those number of years, and then we finally are able to kick back, do nothing, and simply count the years as they pass by. In the same way, we can work hard in our faiths for a certain number of years, think that we have accrued the right amount of spiritual treasures, then we take our feet off the proverbial gas pedal, and we coast in our "Christian Retirement" years. This lesson looks at how that is not the appopriate way to spend the latter years of our faiths. In it, we consider what we can do to make sure that we are making our latter years of faith count instead of simply counting the years as they go by.