


Pleasant Plains church of Christ 

Please feel free to download our Audio Sermons in MP3 format, PowerPoint Sermons or Sermon Outlines for your personal use or preaching the Gospel of Christ.


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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/24/24 Why no Instruments? Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday AM .mp3
11/24/24 Abram's Great Reward Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM AbramsGreatReward2.mp3
11/17/24 The Man Who Denied Jesus Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday AM TheManWhoDeniedJesus.mp3
11/17/24 Paul the People Pleaser Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM PaulThePeoplePleaser.mp3
11/10/24 "Forsaken" Psalmists Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday AM ForsakenPsalmists.mp3
11/10/24 A Great Contemplation About God Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM AGreatContemplationAbout_God.mp3
11/03/24 When Will Jesus Return? Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday AM WhenWillJesusReturn.mp3
11/03/24 What Happens When Jesus Returns? Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM WhatHappensWhenJesusReturns.mp3
10/30/24 When Jesus Disappoints Us Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting WhenJesusDissapointsUs.mp3
10/29/24 A Man Called Legion Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting AManCalledLegion.mp3
10/28/24 How Did Jesus View the Scriptures? Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting HowJesusViewedTheScriptures.mp3
10/27/24 A Friend of Tax Collectors and Sinners Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting AFriendOfTaxCollectorsAndSinners.mp3
10/27/24 Who do I Have to Love? Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting WhoDoIHaveToLove.mp3
10/27/24 The Sermon that Made Everybody Cringe Wiley Deason Sermon Gospel Meeting With Wiley Deason Gospel Meeting TheSermonThatMadeEverybodyCringe.mp3
10/20/24 When Paul Preached to Felix Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sun PM WhenPaulPreachedToFelix.mp3
10/20/24 Dry Bones Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM DryBones.mp3
10/13/24 A Door Open in Heaven Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday AM ADoorOpenInHeaven.mp3
10/13/24 The Joy that is Your Strength Jonathan Glaesemann Sermon N/A Sunday PM TheJoyThatIsYourStrenghth.mp3
10/06/24 Setting in Order What Remains Ryan McDonald Sermon N/A Sunday AM SettinginOrderWhatRemains.mp3
10/06/24 Hope Keith Lewis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Hope.mp3

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